Friday, February 5, 2010

New Year, New Begginnings

So, inspired by a good friend, here I go starting my own personal blog. (thanks robert!)

I don't know if I'll even type something everyday or every once in a while, but nonetheless, I'll write. Mostly about what's going on in my life in general terms with some motivational or inspirational thoughts.

"How many people does it take to make a difference?"
One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself or anyone else is inspiration. Inspiration to seek out your deepest passions. Inspiration to make a difference in the world. A difference that only you can make. This is not a book about success; it's a book about significance. It's not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. It's not about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service. Instead of asking, " What can I get from life?", watch what happens when you ask, "What can I give?" -- ONE

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