Sunday, April 26, 2015

Decisions and Reflections

That moment that you (me) start thinking of applying to graduate school and trying to decide whether to move back to your home state or stay at the number 1 public university in the world, then move back home after. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I should ask the tarot cards, light a candle, or just let destiny take it's course. Definitely gives me the opportunity to reflect on my life and look back at the roller coaster of a ride thinking how my life took the course it did. Everything certainly leads to another and I am thankful for where I am at now in my life. I miss my family and know all of this hard work will pay off. 
I have had successful careers that have been driven by the desire to make money, lots of money, but now I am pursuing an opportunity to serve others. There is so much disparity in this world between races, income, wealth, poverty, access to resources, and discrimination and hate everywhere you go. I have a vision that, we as humans, learn to reach, connect, and empower each other to be better, not better than anyone else, but just better overall. 
We all have a story and although not everyone understands our story, it is still ours and we should own it and learn to make it a strong. Move on from the past, but even more importantly, move on from others' pasts as well. Thrive for passion, a passion that is shared with those around you. Ask yourself each day how you can add value to not only your life, but to those around you. Don't let society predict your behavior towards one another; see each other as equals without regard to race, skin color, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation or identity, age, or flaw. 
Aside from our characteristics that make us all different, we all have one thing in common - we all have something alive inside of us. Whether you consider it a soul, a spirit, a higher power, or God, it's all inside of us. Imagine a world where we connected with everyone using that energy inside of us to understand each other, to treat each other with kindness, to learn to forgive - to know peace. These are just my words and my thoughts, what are yours? - Peace and Love!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." - Josephine Billings

Do you seize the opportunity to capture the moment if not for yourself but for someone else? When was the last time you said something nice to someone and really meant it without expecting them to say anything in return? Even more so, when is the last time you DID something for someone without expecting a reward or anything else in return?

I was reading a friends book - "ONE" the other day and read a story about an eight year old boy. A few weeks after one of his classmate's died, this eight-year-old boy decided to visit the classmate's home one day after school. Later when he returned home, his mother was surprised to find out where the boy had been. "What did you say?" she asked him gently. "Nothing," he replied. "I just sat on his mom's lap and helped her cry."

I think it's amazing that we as loving human beings have the capability to do what is best for the good of others. We all have the capability to good and we certainly have that same capability to do something bad. If we focus on constantly on doing good no matter how small or how large, our lives will be of greater value then it was the day before. Imagine the value that you add to those around you.

I just wanted to write this as it was on my mind. A long time ago I learned through Franklin Covey that if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. Well, this is day two of my blog... let's push for day #3, or at least blog entry #3.

Best Wishes and Good Deeds.

Friday, February 5, 2010

New Year, New Begginnings

So, inspired by a good friend, here I go starting my own personal blog. (thanks robert!)

I don't know if I'll even type something everyday or every once in a while, but nonetheless, I'll write. Mostly about what's going on in my life in general terms with some motivational or inspirational thoughts.

"How many people does it take to make a difference?"
One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself or anyone else is inspiration. Inspiration to seek out your deepest passions. Inspiration to make a difference in the world. A difference that only you can make. This is not a book about success; it's a book about significance. It's not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. It's not about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service. Instead of asking, " What can I get from life?", watch what happens when you ask, "What can I give?" -- ONE